An ordinary day can be filled with extraordinary meaning if we choose to see it. Ritual Beans is not about coffee, however, something as simple as drinking coffee can be a vehicle to powerful experience when viewed through the lens of ritual:
The coffee itself comes from a region, farm, farmer, roaster, and interwoven network of humans who's planning, intentions, and spirit exist in every drop. Choose coffee that honors as much of this network as possible, and take time to acknowledge it when you drink.
The taste and smell of your coffee. The texture of your cup. Your surroundings, imaginations, and memories. Drink and re-connect to your senses and be aware of the rich and full texture available to you in every moment.
Take a moment - even just a brief instant - to observe what is here and now without judgement. Sorrow, affection, overwhelm, acceptance, shame, gratitude… honor the complexity and messiness of being human and connection to every other human that exists through shared experience.
The coffee (and tea) rituals I facilitate are an invitation to experience a taste of the depth and richness of experience available in life. through Ritual Beans I create gatherings that build community, honor the human messiness, and bring intentionality to our daily experience. I also work with individuals and couples to create personal rituals for deepening spiritually, relationally, and intimately.
Use the contact form to reach out and learn more or schedule your own personal coffee or tea ritual. For a more traditional approach to self-leadership and life guidance, see my main coaching page here (www.3Emic.com)
My Story
More to come... but I would love to connect in person. Learn your story, and tell you my own.